I got called Pretty today
Though it wasnt a perfect situation, so to say
I smiled nevertheless
A sweet scent of happiness

You see,
Every night, an ocean awaits
Every morning, a walk of shame, never late
For each time the sun poked its eye
I became beauty's lie

Some say "Pretty hurts"
I believe it's not their fault
Some say Ugly kills
It cuts deeper than even steel

I drape my bulgy eyes and freckled body
In thick glasses and makeup's honey
Anything to hide the lie so they can't see us
But what the hell
They're just smokes and mirrors

I've come to terms with what I am, Please don't say it loud
I am the arguments between the stormy clouds
The reflection of what pretty is not
Call me ugly, I won't be hurt

Because you see,
I should have been dimpled or flawless
Beautiful, nothing more, nothing less
Anything to distract me from what the ugly truth could be
That maybe "PRETTY" didnt want me

So I lied and lied, Until lies became truth
And the planks of my wood became boat
That kept me afloat
Protecting me from the storms my mirror hated to hide
That maybe, maybe not
I'm beauty flawed on each side

If asked right now
"How many of us got called "PRETTy" today"
Would reply "Me" out loud
Well then, that's the problem
Because the girl in the mirror never lies
She knows it will hurt them

So I'm done having the guilty face
 There's no light at the end of the tunnel
Not for people in this place
So stop searching for the "Fine" you
Trust me, it won't define you

I got called "PRETTY dumb" today
But since I'm trying to see positivity in everything
I'll let the "PRETTY" slide my way
And smile for a compliment as such
The girl in the mirror taught me this much…

Cc: @Bullion


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