I know, I know guys…Our life problem started when girls started giving us useless signals like network providers leaving us to figure out which shot was meant for our heart and which well…was just for, “I’m just playing with you jurs”. See, I won’t even lie, it is normal to have feeling and a sense of freedom with a guy that you just met at the cafeteria or in your Sunday school or most appropriately, your class; I just feel you owe it to the guy to let him know when you can’t do much of anything without him, like shoot your goddamn shot, “If he dies, he dies…All die na die”. At that point, he is clear you are serious with him and might even grow to be fond of you as times goes on; let me put this straight, not all guys you are shooting shot for have the idea you even exist, most of the time due to first impression, you are not even his type but when you come through with, “Hi Kunle, I like you, a lot and though I don’t know how you’re gonna take it but I just feel it’s time I let you know how I truly feel about you”, I feel like I speak for other guys when I say, there is this sexiness we find hard to get over when a girl is confident and knows what she wants. In that 6-10sec we are silent, we find a WIFE in you. It’s a really beautiful feeling.
But instead of that, you will find a CHIOMA shooting AK-47 shots at 5 guys at the same time and when one tries to back away like, “She probably just teasing me jare” or she catches one of them with another girl he is aiming sniper shot at, she gets jealous and builds up an attitude. In his mind, Chioma and him are still cool so the next morning, he hits her up with a, “Good Morning dear, slept well” and she spikes up with, “So you and TOLA are now dating each other shey, me I dinnur know ooo” and that’s when the going off-point conversation starts, Angry girls everywhere…Little innocent JOHN starts thinking about life and wondering why a girl who never said a compliment in her life is now concerned about a particular girl he just started talking to yesterday, it doesn’t make sense and man goes to bed more confused than he was when he started. Girls, we know fully well that you can never like a guy that acts like a jerk, like he has a endless flock of girls around him, we acknowledge that fact but what if you do, how you deal with that feeling matters a lot to us as guys, we act like we don’t care but deep down we want to see out of the blues, a girl that comes along, doesn’t give stupid signals, knows what she wants and is never afraid to share a piece of how she feels every once in a while…EVERYWHERE STEWWW
That being said, we are all actors in this movie called LIFE and some of us as it happens a lot of time have lost our script, all we need now is a sense of belonging, appreciation and a reason to love and be loved by the person that truly said, “I love you”, nothing more…

Cc: @denolagrey


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